Tuesday, January 22, 2013

What is the efficient way to use Hoodia Gordoni?

I'll explain how to use Hoodia Gordonii as well as making the most efficient use of it but first I will explain what Hoodia Gordonii is...and I should also explain what Hoodia Gordonii isn't.

Hoodia Gordonii is not some magic weight loss pill, I know the marketers tell you it is, however it is not. Hoodia Goronii is simply a natural appetite suppressant. Hoodia Gordonii has an ingredient called P57 which essentially tricks your body into thinkign you are full when you really are not. The logic being if you feel full you will eat less. If your eating garbage though you probably won't lose weight. Suppressing your appetite can help you lose weight but only if you are eating healthy and getting exercise as well.

As to how to efficiently use Hoodia Goronii there's a number of brands on the market, most recommend you take 1-2 capsules an hour before eating and to take them with plenty of water. Some people also find it's helpful to take a capsule with water in between meals if you tend to snack or go on junk food binges between meals.

One last thing I feel the need to mention is the dosage. Many if not most of the pills on the market contain very little actual Hoodia and contain a lot of fillers. You should look for a brand that has at least 400mg of Hoodia Gordonii per capsule. Some of the more expensive brands have levels as high as 750mg per capsule.

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